Knowing how to stop blackmail is difficult; therefore, a phone consultation with blackmail negotiator, Frank M. Ahearn will help you through the ordeal. During our call, I will explain how to combat blackmail and then email you further information about tactics, access to my private website, and information on my services and fees.
We start with a consultation call where I explain what you must know about sextortion and blackmail. Possibly the group behind the scam, what to expect, how to stall, how to back them off, identify real threats, manipulate your identity, and disappear them off your contact and prevent exposure.
For the first 48 hours, we are connected by an app; when the blackmailer messages you, you send it to me, and I respond. You will learn how to protect your identity, prevent exposure, and remove them from your life. You can also access a private website with step-by-step details and videos.
If you need help with blackmail, email me at: